Lift and form’s

Learning scala, or trying to learn scala, was the first step for trying out the scala lift web framework. There are a number of tutorials on lift on the web and they are very needed, since the initial code for a lift framework application is a bit daunting to say the least. On the liftweb website there are 2 books that you can download for free, exploring lift and simply lift. Exploring lift is complete but also steps over some nitty-gritty details, which are more complete in simply lift, so for best understanding you should try to read both books.

In simply lift, there are some examples for form processing. This starts out really simple and gets more complex as you progress. Initially in the html code a form tag was used. However once the example progresses towards a statefull snippet, the form tag is replaced by a div tag. See copied example:
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default&at=content">
<div> Continue reading "Lift and form’s"